Thursday, April 16, 2020

VegasBuzzTV Lifestyle - DIY Nails at home with Eden Victoria

Eden shares this amazing DIY TIP in her recent Youtube Video!

Our Lifestyle team sat down with the Beauty Guru to get some insider secrets.

I’ve always loved make up from a young age. I remember in the eighth grade my mom gave me this super old, bright, crazy neon colored eye shadow palette.. I never looked back from there Experimented with lots of insane looking eye shadow colors, and went to school at 12 and 13 years old with them on... Who let me out of the house?! In my early twenties, I did the Miss Canada Pageant and that's where I really got heavily into full-face.

We were so intrigued with Eden, we had just a few more questions, and of course we had to ask about her favorite beauty products!

My favorite beauty product has to be skin care. Skin care is so important to how your make up will sit on your face. You need a really great base in order to create a masterpiece! Other than that, I love a good highlight.  It can make your skin look dewy, refreshed and alive!

It’s been a tough few weeks with quarantine.  How have you been holding up?

I’m holding up well in quarantine, it's not always easy and it takes a lot of focus to not drift unintentionally into a bad or negative mental state. I think the key is to continue on with some kind of routine, so you don’t feel lazy or like you haven’t accomplished anything for the day. I like to wake up, have a coffee/breakfast, work out, tan by my pool, read a book, meditate etc. 

I hate to say this, but my favorite product do you use during quarantine has been pink hair dye! I know hairstylists cringe when they think about people reaching for Box die while in quarantine, but I got so bored, I could not help but experimenting with my hair, and I’ve loved the results so far! 

I do think that any at home beauty tricks that can be done, should be done, if you want to try them out!.  I do think they subconsciously help us to continue looking and feeling our best... Even if we're just at home alone. Nothing wrong with killing it just for yourself, sis!

Follow Eden Victoria on InstaGram

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